Morganton Community Mandala

Morganton's Community Mandala is a permanent art installation on the Courthouse Square in Downtown Morganton

Morganton's community mandala was first created in 2019, when Tibetan monks from the Drepung Loseling Monastery visited Morganton and spent a week creating their own mandala at CoMMA. During the monks' stay, citizens were invited to use sand to make their own mandala. The design for the community mandala was created by City of Morganton Project Designer Michael Berley. Each geometric element represents our community, its history, and its culture. Read more about the symbolism of each element by clicking on the PDF below.

Once the monks completed their mandala, they ceremoniously destroyed it and disposed of it in the Catawba River, as it customary upon completing a mandala. The custom represents the impermanence of life and achievements. This community mandala is now an art installation on the newly renovated Courthouse Square in Downtown Morganton. The art installation on the Courthouse Square was donated by the Burke Board of Realtors.

Learn more about the other features on the Courthouse Square by visiting: