Water Conservation Tips

Following a few, easy water conservation tips can save hundreds of gallons of water a week! 

  1. Turn off the water while you shave. You can save more than 100 gallons a week.
  2. Use less power. If you conserve electricity, the power company doesn't need to use as much of the water in our lakes to produce power.
  3. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. You can save 4 gallons of water a minute. That's 200 gallons a week for a family of four!
  4. Check for toilet leaks. Just put food coloring in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl, you have a leak. It's easy to fix, and you can save more than 600 gallons a month.
  5. Run your washing machine and dishwasher only when they are full. You could save 1000 gallons of water a month.
  6. Reduce water use by installing toilet tank displacement inserts. A plastic jug may often be used as an alternative.
  7. Keep a bottle of water in the refrigerator. Don't run the tap to get cold water.
  8. Find and fix leaks in faucets and water-using appliances.
  9. Take shorter showers and shallow baths.
  10. Avoid using the garbage disposal.
  11. Turn off the shower while soaping up.
  12. Install a hot water recirculation system in your home.